The Lord of Life Church Endowment
The Lord of Life Church Endowment was established to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by supporting Christ centered ministries in and around the Clovis California area. The “LOLC” Endowment (Foundation) seeks to financially assist organizations that are engaged in human care and kindness missions. If your organization is engaged in activities to care for people in or around the Clovis area, and especially if those activities include the sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the LOLC Endowment invites you to complete and submit an application for grant funds for consideration. If your application is approved, your organization may be awarded funds in any amount up to your requested amount, at the discretion of the Endowment Board.
The Lord of Life Church Endowment is seeking to assist organizations with a specific project need, where dollars are being used to directly help people. Grant monies are not intended for use in ongoing salary compensation, fixed assets, real property purchases or improvements etc. Salary compensation for those directly providing one time program services such as counselors or speakers at a one-time workshop or retreat are eligible. To that end we require that the “Project Budget Form” found as a downloadable document on this website, be filled out as completely as possible.
Click the Excel icon to download the LOLC Endowment Project Budget Form